Tuesday, December 12, 2017

God Came to Us

Encouragement for your daily walk with God 

One of the great Christmas texts is found in the little book of Philippians. It tells how God came to earth — not as an infant child, as many celebrate it, but as the God-man to die for our sins. 

The eternal God came to earth in the fashion of a man. That was a major undertaking. He had to “humble” Himself. There are many ways the Greek word for humble is interpreted. In the Philippian passage, it carries the idea of one who “stoops to the condition of a servant” [Thayers Lexicon]. That thought truly amazes me. The love our almighty God had that drove Him to divest Himself of everything eternal for lowly flesh is astounding! Especially in light our how we recoil at the thought of humbling ourselves.

Then, after humbling Himself, He became obedient to die on a cross. Our God, clothed in radiant glory in eternity past, entered the world for one purpose: to die a miserable death on a cross thereby purchasing our salvation. It’s almost beyond comprehension. 

That’s our Christmas celebration. That’s what Christmas is all about!

And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2.8

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