
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Today I Choose

Encouragement for your daily walk with God

I don’t make New Year resolutions. However, I do rehearse these Christian values each New Year:

I choose to LOVE: I am loved by God and will love what He loves. I will only hate the things that He hates: sin, not His created beings.

I choose to be JOYFUL: I owe it to my Creator and His created beings to live joyfully. Anything less is a slap to His face. In order to be joyful, I must allow Him to be God in all my circumstances.

I choose to be PEACEFUL: I have been forgiven ALL my sin. I will forgive and be a peacemaker.

I choose to be PATIENT: Life is filled with inconveniences; I will neither curse nor complain. Instead of grinding my teeth, I will face every inconvenience with Christ at my side. If He doesn't complain about the circumstances, neither will I. 

I choose to be KIND: I will be kind to the lonely. I will be kind to the poor and rich. Furthermore, I will be kind to those who are unkind. God treats me with kindness.

I choose GOODNESS: I will go broke before desiring “filthy lucre.” I will stand in the shadows before I boast. I will remove the beam from my eye before I make an accusation about the splinter in yours. 

I choose to be FAITHFUL: My word is my bond, I will keep my promises. My debtors can trust me for payment. My wife need not worry of my love and affection. My children will never worry that Dad is not there for them.

I choose to be GENTLE: A soft answer turns away wrath, so I will raise my voice only in praise to God. 

I choose SELF-CONTROL: If I am drunk, let it be for joy. If I am passionate, let it be for the faith, once and for all time delivered to the saints. If I am influenced, let it be by God, not a modern-day guru. I will control what influences my life.

Did you notice anything about my list? If not, you can find it in the Bible!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:22-24

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