Friday, June 5, 2015

Come and See

Encouragement for your daily walk with God

Philip was called to be a disciple the day after Jesus called two sets of brothers, James & John and Andrew & Simon [Peter]. He was from a small village on the north coast of the Sea of Galilee, Bethsaida. It’s very likely that they knew each other.

The first thing we learn about Philip is his enthusiasm in bringing others to Christ. When he became a Christ follower, the first thing we read about him is that he found Nathanael. “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote - Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” [John 1:45]. 

He couldn’t contain his joy. He had found the long-awaited Messiah and was thrilled at his discovery. The news was so good, in fact, he could not keep it to himself. He reached out to Nathanael, most likely one of his friends, and told him about Jesus. 

Nathanael wasn’t as thrilled as Philip. It’s fair to say he had his doubts. “Nazareth!,” he blurted out, “Can anything good come from that place?” [John 1:46].

Have you found yourself in Philip’s position? You’re confident in your conviction about Jesus and want others to know Him, but when you talk with them, they are less enthusiastic, even skeptical? 

Perhaps you think there is little you can do to reduce their skepticism. And you may be right. But you can do what Philip did. “Come and see,” he told Nathanael. I don’t have answers to all your questions. I can’t resolve all your objections, but come see for yourself. Come to church with me. Come over to my house and we’ll talk about it. Let me introduce you to some friends of mine who may have answers for you. Meet my pastor. Come see for yourself that Jesus is the Savior of the world — your Savior, in fact! 

Philip found his friend, shared with him the news about Jesus, and invited him to come and see Jesus. He wanted his friend to have the joy of knowing Jesus. Isn’t that your desire too!

Now the names of the twelve apostles are these … Philip … Matthew 10:3

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