Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Six Things I Want My Kids/GrandKids To Know

Encouragement for your daily walk with God

1. You Are Made in the Image of God
That’s right, you were not an accident or by-product of chance. You are more than a combination of amino acids given a neuro-electric charge. You are intelligent by design and have an eternal purpose. You are spiritual, not alien. You are not the offspring of alien invaders from outer space. Rather, you are the offspring of God. There is that in us which is everlasting or eternal. Being created in the image of God, you need salvation, not self–glorification. There is a purpose for your existence and an explanation for the way things are. Find it. Develop the right worldview. Without it life will be empty and miserable. Only with God as the center and focus of your reality is their any happiness found in this world.

2. The Bible Is the Word of God
Any book that claims to be infallible and a standard for eternal judgment is worthy of your attention. The Bible is MANDATORY reading, and ignorance of it is no excuse. He didn’t list the 10 Suggestions; it was the 10 Commandments. Therefore, it’s not a matter of “if I want to do it.” He wrote it because He willed it, so do it!

3. There Are Wicked People In the World
It is disappointing to learn that there are wicked people in the world, but the Bible warns about them. Beware, but be friendly. You must choose your friends wisely and carefully. Be certain that you give men time and opportunity to prove themselves worthy of your trust before you rely upon them.

4. God Hates Divorce
Divorce is a terrible thing. While God has made a narrow provision for it, He hates it just the same. It negatively impacts a lot of people: 1) children. 2) parents, 3) you and your spouse, 4) whomever you remarry, 5) your friends, 6) the Church, 7) and, yes, although many people say it doesn’t, it impacts our nation. Do whatever it takes to work out your differences, but it will require a total commitment of both spouses.

5. Baptism Is Important
Baptism doesn’t save you; it is not a rite of passage, but it has real meaning. It certainly implies an obligation—an obligation to God to live right, to conform yourself to the example of Christ.

6. Sin Is Black, Hell Is Real, and Eternity Is Forever
Sin stains the soul, and God does not have intimate fellowship with the impenitent sinner. The popular notion is that God is too good and loving to punish sin, so you must remember the flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Uzzah. Jesus told a parable about a rich man and Lazarus. The rich man soon discovered that hell was no fairy tale. The truth of the matter is that God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell. He has made ample provision to keep us from that awful place. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten [unique] Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

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