Thursday, March 6, 2014

Common to Us, Uncommon to the World

Encouragement for your daily walk with God

There is a common benediction that Paul wrote in his letters to the Christ followers of his day. Because it was prevalent in all his writings, it must have been close to his heart. The benediction? Grace and Peace!

Many people have set out to describe grace. One of my Bible College professors said it this way, “Grace is the outpouring of God's goodness on undeserving mankind.” That lines up with Scripture nicely because every benefit and provision to Christ followers is by God's grace. Peter called it the “manifold grace of God.” [1st Peter 4:10]

As we go though life, our trials are manifold and multifaceted. And so is God’s grace! That’s why Paul could say in all honesty that God’s grace is sufficient — God's multifaceted and all-sufficient grace is available to sustain
you. [1st Corinthians 12:9]

Peace speaks of the calmness and absence of strife that characterizes a true Christ follower. Interestingly, the New Testament also links peace to mercy, hope, joy, and love, all of which are part of the “manifold grace of God.” When a Christ follower experiences those graces, he/she experiences true peace.

I once read that some Bible translators were searching for a word or phrase for "peace" in the language of the Chol Indians of Mexico. They settled for a word that meant, "a quiet heart." That seems like the perfect word to me because God’s peace guards the soul against anxiety and strife.

God’s peace is the only way we can live out Paul’s instruction in Philippians 4:6 to be “anxious for nothing.” Why? He told us in 4:7, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

"Grace and Peace," common to Christ followers, but not to the unbelieving world. I think the world desperately wants it. I think it is what the world is truly seeking for — but in all the wrong places. The best way for the world to see it is when it is lived out in the lives of Christ followers because only those who belong to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ receive His Grace and Peace.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus ChristPhilippians 1:2

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