Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Encouragement for your daily walk with God

I just finished a fascinating book by Timothy Keller titled, Walking With God Through Suffering. In it, he writes about British shepherds that make their sheep go through a dipping trough, a huge vat filled with an antiseptic liquid. The animal must be completely immersed—including ears, eyes, and nose under the surface. One can only imagine how frightening this must be for the animal. And if any of them try to climb out too soon, the shepherd’s staff will force them back in.  

But as horrific as it must be for the sheep, without that periodic treatment, they easily become victims of parasites and disease. Being dunked is actually for their good.

A Christian writer who witnessed the process wrote: 

“I’ve had some experiences in my life which have made me feel very sympathetic to those poor rams—I couldn’t figure out any reason for the treatment I was getting from the Shepherd I trusted. And He didn’t give me a hint of explanation. As I watched the struggling sheep I thought, ‘If only there were some way to explain! But such knowledge is too wonderful for them—it is high, they cannot attain unto it.” (Psalm 139:6)

The words of David in Psalm 139 are good to remember when the Good Shepherd puts us through a dunking. He knows what is best for us infinitely better than we do because He has a better perspective, and a knowledge so vast, we can’t attain it. 

My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor detest His correction; for whom the LORD loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights.  Proverbs 3;11-12 

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