Monday, May 6, 2013

Eruption of Praise

Encouragement for your daily walk with God
In my daily Bible reading program today, Mary bursts forth in one of the most beautiful praises to God recorded in Scripture. Praise is the spontaneous response of the child of God who enters His presence, as it should be. The person who knows God and experiences Him intimately erupts with the highest praise! To stop the praise of a thankful heart would be like trying to arrest the flow of the mighty Niagara. I have yet to figure out Christ followers who have difficulty thinking of reasons why God deserves both our public and private praise.

For those who find it difficult to praise the Lord, could it be that they have lost an appreciation for God’s merciful activity in their lives? Things like, the assurance of a heavenly eternity, spiritual kinship with other Christ followers, His generous providential care, and His abiding presence in us—just to mention a few!

As you contemplate the boundless love and mercy God has shown you, you may find yourself like Mary—erupting in praise. Spontaneous praise is authentic praise. It does not have to be manipulated or orchestrated. It is a real and personal expression of a grateful heart that has encountered the holy God!

And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior." (Luke 1:46-47)

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