Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You Gotta Have Hope

Encouragement for your daily walk with God 

Part of the lyrics from Peggy Lee’s 1959 hit song, “(You Gotta Have) Heart” says, 

You gotta have hope
Mustn't sit around and mope
Nothing's half as bad as it may appear
Wait'll next year and hope

She’s right, you know; “you gotta have hope!” Who wants to live without it? Honestly, if there is no hope of a better tomorrow, why would anyone want to go there? And if there is no hope for life beyond this life, then living is merely an exercise in futility. The real question, then, is where do we find hope? What source will satisfy our thirst for enduring hope? 

Christ followers have an answer to the age old question of hope. It is found in the entire body of Scripture. That’s right, the encouragement of the sum total of Scripture is a well-spring of hope. Why is it a source of hope? I’m glad you asked!

Where else are we taught how to be freed from our sins? Where else are we introduced to the loving Creator of the universe—our Creator? What better source is there to know the full extent of God’s love? What other writings reveal the truth about the person of Jesus? What we find in Scripture is the unfathomable message of God's gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Only in the Bible can we find the instruction manual for life and the road map to heaven. 

Yes! You gotta have hope! Thankfully, in the Scriptures, God gives us every reason to be hopeful.

Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4

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