Thursday, October 2, 2014

Humility That Comes From Wisdom

Encouragement for your daily walk with God

I went to the office of the seminary advisor for counsel about which Master’s Program I should enroll in. I looked around his office and saw what I expected: shelves lined with books and research material, his Master’s and PhD certificates hanging on the wall, students’ portfolios piled on his desk, et al. But of all the things, what captured my attention was a beautiful, framed photograph of a turtle sitting on a fencepost. It was an odd photo to say the least. 

I couldn’t help myself! I had to ask him about the photo. He told me that it reminded him of a statement from one of his seminary professors long ago, “If you see a turtle sitting on top of a fencepost, you know that he had some help.” Then he explained, “Every time success starts to go to my head, this photo brings me back to reality. I am just like the turtle in the photo. I would never be where I am without help.” That, dear Christ follower, is humility. That kind of humility doesn’t start out of weakness or fear or hesitation. It’s a humility that stems from wisdom. 

And that got me to thinking about our relationship with God through Christ. Our chances of finding peace with God are less than a turtle climbing a fencepost. But in His deep love for us, God sent His Son to rescue us, to wash us clean, and to make a right relationship with God possible. Paul said it this way, “But God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” [Romans 5:8]

Think about it for a moment. We are forgiven, embraced and cherished by God almighty. We ‘turtles’ possess things; not that we had achieved them in ourselves, but because the God of grace gave them to us through our faith in Christ. When we keep that in mind, it is much easier to fill our lives with “deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom,” as stated in Scripture. That is a wisdom each of us needs: knowing what we have in Christ, and how blessed we are to have it!

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:13

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