Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Guard Against Jealousy

Encouragement for your daily walk with God

There are many things that poison the way you view life. I can hardly think of anything more toxic than jealousy. It is so lethal that God mentioned it twice in the Ten Commandments.

Can you think of anyone in the Bible more jealous and insecure than Saul? He was appointed to the highest position in Israel—he was the king! He was blessed in so many ways, not the least of which that he was head and shoulders above the citizenry. But Saul couldn’t keep his eyes off of David who was receiving a lot of attention after he killed Goliath, Israel’s “largest” enemy.

Sure, the Israelites hadn’t forgotten the accomplishments of Saul, but the accolades for David were on the increase (1st Samuel 18:7). Instead of rejoicing that God had used David to conquer her enemies, Saul became homicidal, filled with jealousy, and sought to put an end to that upstart, David.

A Christ follower must always remember that jealousy is repugnant, an offense to God—can I say it...SIN! Jealousy is rooted in self-centeredness and it robs us of joy, choking out our contentment. Jealousy hardens the heart and smothers gratitude. In Saul’s case, his jealousy grew to the extent that he assumed that God was not resourceful enough to bless him and another.

Dear Christ follower, watch your heart! If you find it difficult or impossible to rejoice in the success of others, beware! Your heart may be tainted with jealousy. Repent before it drains you of your joy and contentment. When you become aware that jealousy is present, remind yourself of all your undeserved blessings.

Therefore, when Saul saw that he behaved very wisely, he was afraid of him. (1st Samuel 18:15)

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